Feedback Fusion


Feedback Fusion By SpyNewsletter

Instant Analysis of Consumers/Users Comments on Social Networks About Your Products, Services, or Your Brand

Social Media Comment Analysis

Analyze social media comments to understand customer sentiment and opinions.

Social Media Comment Analysis

Analyze social media comments to understand customer sentiment and opinions.

Natural Language Processing

Use sophisticated algorithms to understand the meaning behind customer comments.

Natural Language Processing

Use sophisticated algorithms to understand the meaning behind customer comments.

Competitive Analysis

Understand how your brand compares to competitors in terms of customer sentiment.

Competitive Analysis

Understand how your brand compares to competitors in terms of customer sentiment.


Feedback Fusion is a powerful tool that allows you to unlock valuable insights from your data. It’s easy to use and offers a range of benefits, including:

  • Increased productivity
  • Improved decision-making
  • Better customer relationships

Analyzing Social Media Comments

Social media is a great source of feedback, but it’s important to understand how it works. Social media comments are often short and informal, which makes them difficult to analyze. In addition, there are many different types of social media comments that can be difficult to synthesize into a coherent opinion mix.
In this chapter you’ll learn how to:

  • Understand the structure of social media comments and their role in the customer journey
  • Analyze the sentiment and tone of individual posts using Natural Language Processing (NLP) techniques

Understanding Your Users

To get the most out of your users’ comments / replies / mentions on social media like Twitter and Reddit, you need to be able to understand your users.

  • Understanding Your Users: Social media is a rich source of user data. The problem is that it’s difficult to analyze the enormous amount of text that users post on these platforms.
  • Not Providing Answers: The biggest problem with social media is that it’s hard to get answers. Users don’t always know what they want, and often aren’t able to articulate their problems clearly. If you don’t provide answers to your customers’ questions, they will find someone who does. The best way to stay on top of this is by monitoring social media channels for mentions of your brand, product or service.
  • Value Comes from Identifying Trends: Social media is full of trends. You can use these to identify the needs and wants of your target audience, and then provide solutions for them. The key is to keep an eye on what people are saying about your brand, product or service, as well as other related topics. If you see a lot of chatter around a certain topic, it’s worth looking into how that could impact your business.

Analyzing Sentiment

Using sentiment analysis, you can measure the attitude or opinion of your customers. This can be done by looking at positive and negative words. A high score indicates that users are having a good experience with your product or service; a low score may indicate that they’re not satisfied with what you offer them.
The most common way to measure sentiment is through automated tools like Natural Language Processing (NLP), which analyzes text for certain keywords and phrases associated with positive or negative feelings about a product or service. The more sophisticated NLP algorithms also take into account syntax and grammar, so they can understand the meaning behind each sentence–not just what words are used in it!

Gaining Competitive Advantage

  • Understanding Customers: What is the most important thing to do when trying to understand your customers? It’s listening. You need to listen to what they say, but more importantly you need to listen for what they don’t say. This is where sentiment analysis comes in: it allows you to measure not just how people feel about your product or service (or competitors), but why they feel that way as well.
  • Making Improvements: Sentiment analysis is especially useful when trying to make improvements. If you have a product that people are raving about, there’s no reason not to improve it even further. But if your customers are complaining, then this is an indication that they need some sort of change. Sentiment analysis will help you determine what needs improvement and how best to go about making those changes.
  • Creating Better Products: Sentiment analysis can help you create better products by helping you understand what your customers want. The more you know about what they want, thve easier it is to figure out how to deliver that. If a lot of people are saying that they dislike something about your product or service, then it’s time to change it.

Making Data-Driven Decisions

Data is the fuel that powers your business. It’s what helps you make decisions and improve your product, but it can be hard to find the right data in a sea of information.
Data-driven decisions are made possible by combining all of your internal and external sources into one place so they’re easy to access, analyze, and use. This allows teams across departments (marketing, sales, customer service) to work together on projects that impact each other’s workflows–and ultimately improve how customers interact with your brand!

Building Better Products

You can use feedback to build better products.

  • User interaction: If your product is a website or app, you can use it to gain valuable insights into how people interact with your product. For example, if there are features that users like or dislike–and why they do so–you can make changes that will improve their experience of using the product.
  • Features liked/disliked: You might also find out which features are most popular among users and which ones aren’t used at all; this could help guide future development decisions about what kinds of new functionality should be added next time around (or not).

Why Feedback Fusion?

The feedback you receive from your customers is invaluable and can help you improve your product or service. But how do you know what to do with all of this data?
When it comes to answering questions and seeing user interaction, there are two main ways that people use customer feedback: surveys and polls. Surveys are great for gathering information about a large group of users at once, while polls allow you to ask specific questions about one person or situation. Both are valuable tools when it comes to understanding how customers feel about a particular aspect of your business–but they’re not always enough on their own!
One way we’ve found success in unlocking valuable insights from our data is by combining multiple methods together into one report called “Feedback Fusion.” By combining different types of responses into one place (surveys vs polls vs live chat transcripts), we’re able to see patterns emerge that wouldn’t otherwise be visible if we only looked at each type individually – which means better decisions for our teams moving forward!